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GET STRONGER with Djustice Sears-Duru

Canadian prop, Sears-Duru, has re-signed for his second season playing for the Seattle Seawolves in the MLR. Always hard-working in the front row, Djustice has made a difference in Canada’s scrum, and has had a lot of great overseas experience to bring back to the national team and to Seattle as well. Only 25, Sears-Duru of Oakville, Ontario is already a veteran player. This powerhouse gave us a glimpse of what makes him so great at what he does:

What is your favourite exercise to do during your workout?

DSD: I think my favourite workout exercise might have to be the deadlift.

How often do you weight train vs. train cardio?

DSD: During the off-season I tend to do more weight lifting than cardio in order to prepare for the season once it starts. It somewhat flips in order to maintain strength and a desired level of fit.

How often do you eat throughout the day?

DSD: It really depends. I try to go with 2 big meals and some small snacks throughout the day, but everybody has different goals so it all depends on what feels right for you.

How important is music to your workout and what is your song of choice to get motivated?

DSD: Music is extremely important to me while I’m working out. It definitely hypes me up when I’m not feeling in the zone. My go-to workout song is Going Bad by Drake and Meek Mill.

What is your favourite cheat day meal?

DSD: That’s a tough one. I think it would have to be either Pizza or Mac and Cheese.

How important is sleep to your training?

DSD: It’s very important. Without proper rest you just feel sluggish and not fully ready to do your best at training.

How do you change your workouts to accommodate any injuries?

DSD: Whenever I have to change my workout due to an injury, I talk with the medical staff around me because they have all the knowledge needed to help me get better.

How important is staying hydrated to your fitness?

DSD: Hydration is so key. I try to constantly drink water because you can tell how difficult it is to train when you’re not hydrated compared to when you are.

How important is mental fitness compared to physical fitness?

DSD: Mental fitness is everything. If you’re not feeling good mentally it’s going to show when you’re out there training. You have to try and feel your best mentally so you can perform your best physically.

Do you prefer working out in the morning or evening?

DSD: Personally, I prefer working out in the morning. I want it to be the first thing I do so it wakes me up and helps me get ready for the rest of my day.

What do you like to do in your spare time when you’re not playing rugby?

DSD: In my free time I like to do a lot of reading and listening to music. I find it is such a good way to relax especially after a hard day of training. I am currently reading the Red Rising Series.