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Staying Connected while Staying Apart

Self-isolation can quite literally feel…isolating. Thank goodness we live in an era with calling, texting, facetime, and a thousand other video conferencing tools at our fingertips. But, there’s only so many times you can ask your buddies how their day has been (newsflash, it’s probably going to be the same answer as yesterday). This is a great time to show those who matter most in our lives how much we really care about them. We’ve combined a few innovative ideas to help you feel connected to your loved ones even if you’re not physically together:

Try a new fun socially distanced activity with your friends like a Quarantine Secret Santa by using a randomized name draw where each one of you can send your chosen pal a letter and little gift to make them feel extra special. We often forget to tell our favourite people how much they matter, and during this time they may need to hear it more than ever. We’ve listed some of the gifts featured in our recent Quarantine Secret Santa for inspiration:

  1. A gifted audiobook from audible
  2. A package of self-care goodies
  3. A DoorDash gift card
  4. 6-pack of favourite beer
  5. A yoga mat and blocks

With all the baking experiments you’ve been doing, it’s probably time you take a break from the sweets. Plan a baking drop-off route where you can leave your delicious goodies at the door of your neighbours, friends, or special individuals in your life. The smile on their faces will make it all worthwhile and it gives you a reason to get out of the house while remaining socially distant!

Tired of having the same conversations over FaceTime? Have your friends download the free Google Chrome extension, House Party, and start playing all the fun games they have available. From Pictionary to trivia, there’s tons of fun options that’ll make hours fly by. Another great feature is the unlocked option, where unless you lock your group, anyone from any other person’s friend list can join in. This is a great way to meet friends from all over the world while never leaving the comfort of your bed.

Have you noticed the influx of IG lives on your Instagram? Celebrities, brands, and influencers have all started doing more and more lives with each other, where it feels like a cross between a podcast and a talk show. Nothing is stopping you from partaking in this new trend. Get your friends and start taking turns doing lives together while having your viewers participate in the comments section. This is a fun way to stay connected with others on Instagram and have a variety of individuals participate in conversations about topics that matter most to you.

We know it hasn’t been easy and we’ve all experienced highs and lows during this crazy time, but we’re all in this together, and eventually this situation will be thing of the past. Stay home and stay connected – this will all be over soon!