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We are working diligently on true sustainability for the apparel industry. We are developing bio-based technical performance fibres which are negative carbon. 

Ædelhard has partnered with a team of scientists from the University of British Columbia who have created a proprietary programmed micro-organism that turns biomass waste into bio-based technical fabrics (no chemicals, no harmful offsets) with an ambition to move the apparel industry toward a sustainable future. We anticipate delivering circular economy negative carbon performance apparel at mass market prices. The fibre and fabric, which is called FIBR.BIO, is currently at lab scale.

The vision for Ædelhard is to become a vertically-integrated, negative carbon (full circular economy) performance apparel platform leveraging our proprietary bio-based fabric technology (no chemicals, no offsets, compostable at end of life). 

If you want to see more, see